i'm thinking of becoming an atheist!
i ran my church's street fair today - our biggest fundraiser.
i keep thinking of the expression, work smarter, not harder. we're not doing that at my church.
i'm on the vestry. i teach sunday school. i'm in charge of welcoming newcomers. i'm the streetfair co-chair.
what do atheists do with their free time?
i'll bet they sit in outdoor cafes on the weekends.
when i was young, and not going to church so regularly, i used to sit in cafes. now, i pass by cafes while rushing to yet another event or meeting and look longingly at people sitting outside, reading the times.
even if i was an atheist, i'd probably be a really busy one.
fortunately for me, this was my last year on the street fair, and my vestry term ends in jan. '08.