Sunday, February 22, 2009

nun sighting - with backup!

i saw a nun on the subway today and i was with a friend (who says the only time she ever sees nuns is when she's with me). i told my friend that i think it's good to see some of these nuns with someone else beside me so it's not like snuffleuphagus (i.e. all in my head for those who did not grow up with snuffy being a character that only big bird could see on sesame street. they kept him a b.b. only friend during the early 70's and then made it so everyone could see him b/c research tests or some shit showed that kids were going slightly wonky over the fact that only big bird could see snuffleuphagus who wasn't invisible or imaginary, he would simply walk off just before maria or bob or mr. hooper or someone would come by).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

nun drive by

on the way home from taking the stray cat i have adopted to the vet (he bit me when they took his temperature. hey, if someone took my temp that way i'd probably bite too) i saw a nun on 72nd and 1st out the bus window. there is a convent on 72nd street a couple of blocks up from 1st ave. so that feels a little like cheating. i think a true nun sighting is when i'm in a completely random place like central park or on a bus late at night or in midtown.
on another note, today is my 40th birthday. i am in a new decade and this is the decade in which i enter a convent (god willing) so that's pretty cool.
i'd like to go to africa to visit ohp's house in swaziland and i'm trying to decide if i should go over easter vaca (i get a week and a half) or in the summer (when i can take more time).
in the meantime, i am gearing up for lent! i love lent! for me it's the spiritual "5 more minutes" snuggling under the blankets in the cold winter with god and jesus. mmmmm....